May. 22, 2024
HARRISBURG – Today, Rep. Jake Banta (R-Erie) introduced legislation to rein in the regulatory overreach that has grown too prevalent in Pennsylvania’s administrative agencies.
House Bill 2298 would prevent the Commonwealth’s executive agencies from re-interpreting statues enacted by the General Assembly and restore the proper separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches.
“The principles of separation of powers need to be restored in order to prevent further government overregulation and control of the people,” Banta said. “This legislation is a check and balance within the government and on the government which will lead to better results for Pennsylvanians.”
The executive branch is not the law-making branch of the Commonwealth’s government. House Bill 2298 prevents administrative agencies from interfering with the Legislature’s intent on enacted statutes. This is a significant step which can be taken to limit government oversight and overregulation.
House Bill 2298 has been referred to the House State Government Committee for review.
Representative Jake Banta
4th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Tim Craine 717.609.7331 /